Loading Chris Gould Director of Education (Deputy CEO) Joanna Harvey Safeguarding Lead Chris Wilson SEND Lead Rita Rowson Attendance and Inclusion Lead Isabel Stephens Primary Executive Lead (South West Hub) Jeremy Walden Primary Executive Lead (Callywith Hub) Linda Garbett PE Lead Cathy Brokenshire Wider Curriculum Lead David Hick Primary Maths Lead Practitioner Louise Williams Primary English Lead Practitioner Lizzie Stokes Primary EYFS Lead Practitioner
Loading Jan Woodhouse Trust Secondary School Improvement Lead and Executive Headteacher Martin Higgs Digital Transformation Lead Tina Leack Behaviour Lead Gemma Waldron Education Welfare Officer Michelle Burton Education Welfare Officer Rick Gill Primary Executive Lead (Penwith Hub) Alistair Johnson Primary Executive Lead (Truro Hub) Suzannah Teagle Wider Curriculum Lead Paul Baker Wellbeing Lead Lucinda Jerome-Snell Primary Maths Lead Practitioner Helen Ireland Careers & Aspirations Guidance Coordinator